Sunday, October 17, 2010

Getting ready for the upcoming trip (NOV 5-13)

Dear Friends and Family,

We hope that this letter comes in to you in good health, as we would like to share with you a wonderful plan God has for us to travel on a short term missions trip to the Dominican Republic this November. The Lord has blessed and been faithful in our desire to encourage our children to serve others in His name, and we are excited about this new endeavor before us. Our whole family is planning on serving in Hainamosa.
During November 5-12th, we are planning a short mission trip, along with others from the First Baptist of Waldoboro Church. The purpose of the trip is to help build additional housing space for future missionaries and short term mission groups. Pastor Jose Lopez has expressed this great need and we are enthusiastic about helping this community and church in whatever work is ahead. We are excited about this opportunity to serve others, and see this as an incredible blessing to each one of us.
In the past, Steve has traveled to the Dominican Republic and has experienced life-altering, faith-building situations that are imbedded in his heart. In 2008, he brought Caleb to expose him to the wonderful people, cultural differences, and guide him in stewardship. The time is quickly approaching for our trip, and we are asking for your participation while we prepare. We sincerely desire your prayers in these areas: blessing and protecting Jose & his family, preparing hearts to receive Christ as Savior, our protection and safety while working and that our financial needs will be met.
Our family must meet the financial responsibility of $4,000.00, and must be met before October 29th. If you would like to be a part of financially supporting us, your gift would be greatly appreciated. We have provided a stamped envelope, and your gift is tax deductible. If you can help in any financial way, please make your check payment to: First Baptist of Waldoboro. In the memo field, please write: Lombardo Dominican Missions Trip. We are very grateful for your support and your understanding for this letters timeline urgency.
Please feel encouraged to let us know that you are praying for this trip, so that we know that you are committed to all of us while we go. This will greatly encourage us, as we prepare ourselves. During this past year, we have felt the power of prayer over us, and appreciate it tremendously. Thank you in advance, for your involvement in this mission.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23, 24b

In His Service,
Steve, Laurie, Caleb & Janna Lombardo

1 comment:

  1. If anyone can help out...we have raised $2200.00 of the $4000.00 needed to make this trip happen. Please email me at if you can help out.
